Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spell It Out for Me

I've been furious about this one for a long time, but I didn't think it was worth posting about because I figured someone would notice the problem and fix it and I'd be happy again. But no.

On my way to work, there's this store that's going out of business, so they have been having a sale to unload all the stuff they've got left. Their sign reads:


It's been weeks since the sale, and now they're permanently closed, and no one has taken down the sign. I wonder if anyone would care if I went over there and switched the two letters to their correct positions. It's really bothering me, and all I'd need is a ladder.... But of course, in a town this small, such a stunt would probably result in someone calling the police.

This is what happens when you're an English major. You start to care way too much about stuff like this. (There's a sign, also on my way to work, that has had a misplaced apostrophe for a while, but as you fellow English majors know, sadly, apostrophe abuse is running rampant in this country, so I didn't think it was worth mentioning.)
